Grain Trade Program
Milne Feeds' Grain Trade Program is very popular with growers and presents a great opportunity to convert your grain crop into complete feed solutions. The program involves the Grower allocating grain, within CBH, to Milne Feeds. At the same time, the specific pellet product, price and tonnage is formalised in a contract. The Grower then nominates the approximate timing (slot) for receiving pellets through the season.
Grain Trades are a great way for current customers to guarantee their pellet supply and price, and offers a perfect opportunity for new customers to try Milne Feeds pellets. For those that haven’t tried it, here’s how it works. Grain Trades are run through the CBH bin system via LoadNet and our existing depot network. All you need to do is:
Grain Trades are a great way for current customers to guarantee their pellet supply and price, and offers a perfect opportunity for new customers to try Milne Feeds pellets. For those that haven’t tried it, here’s how it works. Grain Trades are run through the CBH bin system via LoadNet and our existing depot network. All you need to do is:

- Contact Paul Nenke at Milne Feeds on 0407 720 040 to arrange a grain trade
- Nominate the grain on LoadNet
- Pick which depot and slot you want for collection
- Collect your pellets during your slot period from your local depot
It’s that simple!
For this year's harvest, our Grain Trade program will include lupins, wheat and barley, and is open to all growers in the Kwinana, Albany and Geraldton zones. Swap factors are attributed to each grain and pellet product combination, and will move through harvest along with any major shifts in grain pricing. EasyOne®, EasyBeef® and LambGro® are on offer with this year’s trades.