Flybuster is an innovative, eco-friendly fly baiting system that provides livestock enterprises with a cost-effective solution to manage fly populations and build a ‘fly barrier’ around dairies, feedlots, sheds and stables.
Flybuster is a pesticide free, highly effective, easy-to-use bait system that attracts and traps flies. Safe to use in many agricultural contexts to help reduce the spread of diseases, and aggravation that comes from flies.
The one-way trap bucket allows flies to enter but not escape. When water is added, the bait emits a smell, and provides a warm, moist environment to attract flies. The bait is rich in proteins to encourage flies to lay eggs inside the trap, thus breaking the fly reproduction cycle.
How it works
· Flies enter the trap, lay eggs and drown.
· The traps form a barrier to keep flies away from livestock.
· Once full, the fly trap contents can be emptied into compost or green-waste piles.
Each trap has a capacity of three million flies, making it perfect for agricultural areas with major fly infestations. The Flybuster system provides a long-term solution for significant fly reduction. It is cost effective, requires little maintenance and is safe to handle.
Directions for Use
2. Allow 24 hours for the bait to activate.
3. Place traps approx. 15 meters apart above ground level around sheds, feedlots, dairies, or 'hot spots' .
4. Check traps and top up with water as needed. Adequate water level is important for full function.
5. Empty trap and refill bait every 4 weeks, or when full.

Product Information
Trap bucket
Qty of bait/trap
Number of traps filled/15kg bait