Pegasus Studmaster® is a premium quality, complete equine feed designed to meet the nutritional requirements of brood mares, stallions and growing horses.

Pegasus Studmaster® now contains the latest nutrition developments in research proven Buffered Mineral Complex (BMC) - to support bone mineralisation, gastric buffering and hindgut buffering. Read the research and learn more here .

Features & Benefits

Contains all the essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals to meet the increased needs of pregnancy and lactation in mares, growth in young horses and fertility in stallions

Contains KER BMC®, a unique bio-available calcium, with supporting chelated minerals, research proven to improve bone density, provide gastric buffering and minimise acidity in the hindgut

Trace mineral and vitamin levels ensure optimal foetal development and growth in foals, weanlings and yearlings

Mineral fortification ensures strong bones in growing foals and helps prevent Developmental Orthopaedic Disease

High quality protein and amino acid balance for optimal growth and development

Contains natural yeast culture to enhance digestion and mineral absorption

Contains organic chromium to enhance reproductive efficiency and glucose utilisation

Contains extra calcium for high oxalate pastures eg kikuyu

Premium blend of quality grains and ingredients used to maximise finished feed quality and palatability

Pelleting improves energy utilisation from grains and reduces waste of powdered minerals and vitamins

Ingredient Information

Oats, barley, lupins, cereal byproducts, wheat, canolameal, soybean meal, molasses, magnesium oxide, dicalcium phosphate, limestone, salt, natural yeast culture, organic chromium, mould inhibitor, KER vitamin/trace mineral premix, KER Buffered Mineral Complex (BMC).

Feading Directions

Studmaster® should be fed in conjunction with a minimum of 1% body weight of good quality roughage in the form of pasture, hay or chaff

Studmaster® should be introduced slowly to the diet over 7 days

The amount fed should be divided into at least two feeds daily, with a maximum of 3kg of Studmaster® per feed

If young horses are overweight or suffer from Developmental Orthopaedic Disease reduce the amount of Studmaster® fed and seek veterinary and nutritional advice.

Clean, fresh water should be available at all times

Nutritional Analysis

nutritional information
Download information as a PDF document
As fed basis
Crude Protien (min)
Digestible Energy (min)
12.5 MJ/kg
Crude Fibre (max)
Added Salt (max)
Calcium (min)
Crude Fat
Phosphorus (min)
140 mg/kg
230 mg/kg
150 mg/kg
48 mg/kg
0.8 mg/kg
0.5 mg/kg
0.1 mg/kg
Vitamin A
10500 IU/kg
Vitamin D3
1050 IU/kg
Vitamin E
200 IU/kg
Vitmain K3
5 mg/kg
Vitmain B1
11 mg/kg
Vitamin B2
12 mg/kg
Vitmain B6
5 mg/kg
0.3 mg/kg
Vitamin B3
70 mg/kg
Vitmain B5
20 mg/kg
Vitamin B9
3 mg/kg
Vitamin B12
30 mg/kg