Storing & Handling Pelleted Feed

November 28, 2022

With harvest well underway in most areas, we thought a timely reminder about the storage of pellets may be in order, as growers are on headers planning for the new season to come. Many growers look to take pellets early, to prepare for the summer.  For those storing on farm, here are some key reminders:


The unique nature of pelleted feed necessitates special storage requirements. Unlike grains and cereals, pellets can be hydroscopic and are likely to absorb and release moisture as the surrounding atmosphere changes.

If silo storing, pellets should be stored in a waterproof, ventilated silo designed to accommodate the special needs of pellets. Silos should also be regularly emptied and cleaned, at least every six (6) months. When pellets first go into such silos, it is advisable to keep any vents or covers open (obviously keeping a close eye on the weather) for a time to allow them to breathe and air out. Most silo manufacturers will be able to advise you on the right storage silo for pellets. It is not advisable to store pellets in sealed silos.

Storage of pellets in a shed is acceptable as long as normal precautions are taken to prevent any contamination of the feed (vermin, fertiliser, water etc). Often, hay bales are used to form the edges of the bunker so that the feed is contained.  For optimal performance, pellets should be used within 90 days from date of manufacture.

We have found that field bins are a very convenient storage solution as they allow for plenty of air flow and, as the name might suggest, their portability can be very useful at times.

For ease of handling, shed storage and field bins are by far the most popular storage methods.


Our pellets are manufactured to high quality standards, however, repeated handling, particularly with coarse machinery such as augers, can cause breakage. Hot, drier conditions during summer can accelerate the loss of moisture from pellets and this, in turn, can lead to pellets fracturing more frequently. As a result, extra care needs to be taken when moving/handling pellets to avoid excessive pellet fractures. Remember to use the correct safety equipment, especially in confined spaces.

Obviously the less they can be handled the more it will assist in their durability and augers with larger circumferences are also kinder to the pellets

Delivery of pellets via blower trucks is available if your infrastructure allows for it, and this is also an ideal method of transfer and delivery.

Silo Safety and Maintenance

With workplace safety a major focus these days, it is always advisable to keep a check on your silos and equipment on a regular basis. Below are some pointers that may assist as a “ready reckoner” :

• It is advisable to regularly inspect your silo for any damage, so as to eliminate the possibility of moisture contamination.  (This is a key to good pellet storage, moisture is not your friend in this instance).

• Safety cages and ladders should also be checked regularly to minimise possible injury to staff.

• Ensure the silo hatch and access ladder are not accessible to unauthorised people.

• Hatches and covers should form a watertight seal.

• Ventilation equipment should be checked to ensure that it is in working order and not leaking (again it is pivotal for pellets to be able to have some breathing space).

• Regularly clean out the silo to remove any pellets that may have become lodged on the silo walls (extreme heat will sometimes cause some sweating so it is vital once a silo is emptied, or before more pellets are loaded, to check this).

• If you need to enter the silo, ensure you are wearing the correct safety equipment.

• Remove any obstructions around the silo (trees, wire etc).

• If you have more than one silo, Milne Feeds can supply you with numbers to stick on to your silos so that our drivers can deliver the feed into the correct silo.

As the old adage suggests, always best to store pellets in a “cool, dark place”.

For further information regarding the storage and handling of pellets please contact your Milne Feeds representatives, Wayne Manoni 0427 099 002, or Brett Blanchett 0429 884 528, or our sales team on 9351 0700.