Spend $1 – Make $2.5

October 29, 2022

Azren Farms own and operate a lamb feedlot in the Boyagin area in the state’s southwest.  Proprietors Aaron and Renee Winfield budget to turn over 25,000 lambs p/a on their free-draining property to maximise their return-on-land investment.

Recently, Aaron called Milne Feeds regarding a strategy to maximise returns on some merino wether lambs. He had initially been back-grounding them in the southwest vineyards for live export, but instead was looking to finish and process them himself. The lambs were well grown but required a very fast finishing period to hit a window becoming available with the local processors. The lambs had to “round off” in two weeks to go from forward stores to slaughter ready. The value per head into live export was $115 per head.

According to Aaron, “For the 3,500 Merino wethers, we need a pellet with no introductory period and complete safety, as these lambs will enter the feedlot straight from the paddock and I need them to go hard from day one”. Two weeks on and the draft is gone, after achieving very good results and zero losses. Aaron and Renee spent $12 per head on Milne Feeds’ LambGro® and averaged $148 per head through the processors.

Spending $12 to make $33 in two weeks is a great return in anyone’s books.  

Azren are well versed in the benefits of Milne Feeds’ LambGro® pellet.  They utilise Semini Custom Feeds to directly fill their feeders with the pellets twice a week through the season – a strategy Azren initiated last year to increase efficiency and reduce labour.

Milne Feeds sheep specialists, Brett Blanchett and Wayne Manoni, are always on hand to discuss your feeding requirements and help your business achieve great results like these.