With calving approaching, here are our top tips for managing springers with transition feeding to help reduce the incidence of milk-fever and mastitis.
1. Length of time on transition/Leadfeed diet: aim for 3 to 4 weeks.
· This allows time for the rumen to prepare for a higher concentrate ration as opposed to the fibre-based ration that dry cows are typically fed. It also ensures optimal key mineral mobilisation required by dairy cows prior to the start of milking, e.g. calcium mobilisation.
2. Ensure group size of cows is appropriate for the feed-out method, and the size of the dry paddock.
· Shy feeders need to have access to the transition diet
· Allow heifers to socialise with older animals and have access to transition feed
· Add more feed troughs / hay rings if necessary
· Recommended trough space is >0.75m per cow.
· Ensure paddock size is large enough to accommodate group size without paddock pugging etc, to minimise mastitis risk
3. Ensure transition diet meets need of cows.
· Provide an energy dense diet: aim for 11+ MJ ME/kg DM – remember that appetite is reduced just prior to calving
· Aim for 14-16% crude protein
· DCAD should be as close to zero as possible, or negative, to reduce risk of milk fever
· Low calcium content is preferred, <0.6% DM, to encourage mobilisation of body calcium stores prior to start of milking
· Magnesium content should be above 0.45% DM, as magnesium is linked with calcium mobilisation
· Phosphorus content should be lower, <0.4%DM, for optimum calcium interaction
· Aim for an NDF content above 36%
The guidelines above are for the total diet, not just concentrates. It is recommended to test silage, hay and grass that’s fed during the dry period to ensure total diet is balanced for dry cows and to reduce the complications with lactation.
If possible, limit grass intake in the immediate dry period, and avoid grazing paddocks that have been treated with effluent or potassium. These pastures are likely to have a high DCAD and therefore may increase the risk of milk fever.
Cows that begin dripping milk prior to calving need to be milked to reduce the risk of mastitis. As a result, calves from these cows will need colostrum from another cow.
When cows begin calving, monitor their condition and record changes in body condition, as well as any metabolic issues such as mastitis, milk fever, retained membranes, etc. The dairy industry has guidelines on what is considered a normal number of cases per herd, and when to seek help. For more information on transitioning cows visit the Dairy Australia website.
Milne Feeds has a feeding solution for your dry cows with Leadfeed and Leadfeed plus Bio-Chlor pellets. These products are nutritionally balanced and specifically formulated for springers, and also meet industry standards for vitamins and minerals. They are a great solution in the transition feeding plan to help reduce the incidence of milk fever. For more information, speak to one of our dairy specialists today.