Introducing Milne EasyFibre

June 26, 2024

Introducing Milne EasyFibre™- Your farm’s solution to the WA fibre shortage this year!

This year has been a challenging one for fibre and this has affected the entire state, from the Kimberley region to the South Coast. The dry finish last year and late rains this season have resulted in a massive hay and straw shortage across most of WA and, if you are still able to get your hands on it, when it comes time to pay the bill, you’ll probably be wishing you hadn’t…

The fibre component of a mixed ration is essential for many reasons and not having enough will have an impact on your bottom line.

Low fibre leads to rapid passage through the rumen, reducing the capacity of rumen bacteria to extract maximum energy and protein. This will result in inefficient rumen function, therefore lower volume and butter-fat in milk production, as well as lower average daily gain in feedlot scenarios. Milne EasyFibre™ can be your fibre solution this year, with a lower cost per tonne, and an effective substitute for the fibre requirement of your cattle or dairy cows.

Feeding hay and straw (if you can get hold of it), also has its problems, especially when you see all that expensive fibre being wasted on the ground. Wastage can be more than 30% using traditional feeding methods and, at the price you’ll be paying, it is not something you’ll want to see. Feeding Milne EasyFibre™ is an effective solution to controlling wastage when feeding, as when incorporated into your mixed ration, your wastage becomes negligible.

Introducing Milne EasyFibre™ Pellets, which can be added to any ration mix as a cost-effective, low-wastage and economical fibre solution on your farm, and has several advantages:

  • Minimal Wastage: Unlike hay or straw, fibre pellets are fed directly in the dairy or mixed with grain/pellets, ensuring all fibre ends up in the feed trough.
  • Consistent Intake: Cows and cattle consume EasyFibre as part of a balanced ration, ensuring every animal gets the necessary fibre intake.
  • Enhances rumen performance: Fibre pellets help balance the rumen, improving energy and protein utilization from the pasture.
  • Consistent Quality: Unlike variable-quality hay and straw, fibre pellets offer consistent nutritional content (e.g., 4.5% crude protein, 8 MJ/kg ME, and 70% NDF).
  • Storage and Handling: Fibre pellets can be delivered by truck and stored in a silo, similar to grain.
  • Flexible Usage: Farmers can start with a 15-20% inclusion rate in their feed mix and adjust as needed.
  • Proven Effectiveness: Years of experience with fibre pellets in dairy rations show that they work effectively.


For more information on how Milne EasyFibre™ can fit into your feeding program, contact Jonothan Langan on 0407 766 444.