Around the paddocks during WA's boom harvest

December 20, 2021

Milne Feeds' Ruminant Manager, Wayne Manoni, has been busy clocking up the miles visiting grain growers and sheep producers during harvest. Here is a gallery of some of the photos from around the harvest scene, in what has been a record-breaking crop haul for WA.

Sunset over wheat crops in Merredin

Plenty of bulkheads full across the wheatbelt

Filling up at Shackleton

On farm storage at a premium this season

Kona helping out Greg Giles at Nokanning

View from the header - 3 tonne crop at York

Black gold at West York

Prize load of canola coming off near York

Golden wheat at Shackleton

Lupins out near Quairading

Hot and dusty work harvesting lupins

The wait is short but the trucks are long!

Bulkhead loading at CBH Merredin

Triticale just east of Merredin

Header on the hill near York

Long days on the header almost finished