Dairy Product Range: Are you using the right pellet for the time of year?

July 23, 2024

Milne Feeds has a tried and tested range of dairy pellets to suit different times of year for different herds. All our products are individually designed to maximise milk production whilst supporting rumen health and function and are nutritionally balanced with a vitamin and mineral blend to support peak lactational performance in dairy cows. Our products are reviewed regularly by our in-house nutritionist and customers can trust that our feeds will provide consistency for their animals.

With that in mind, it is important to consider which of our products is right for your specific herd, considering that dairy cows' nutritional needs will differ at certain points of the season and with stage of lactation. If you’re not sure which is the right product for your herd, our team is here to help. We encourage you to reach out so we can provide customised recommendations for your herd.

Dairy pellet range

All our dairy pellets are milled to 4mm, nutritionally balanced, feed safe certified and contain a specific vitamin and mineral blend to support high producing dairy cows. They can be safely fed in high quantities with our technology without the risk of acidosis that comes with feeding a grain mix.

1.      Maximize®: Our year-round pellet, designed to support high milk production and rumen stability that suits a wide variety of herds. With 13 MJ ME/kg and at 13% CP, it is a high energy, moderate protein pellet designed to increase energy intake of cows grazing high quality pastures, without the risk of acidosis.

2.     Maximize Plus™: A high energy, high protein pellet, Maximize Plus is our ‘base pellet’ plus protein if you will. With 13 MJ ME/kg and 21% CP, it ideally suits times of year when grazing is limited, and without the rich protein that comes from early to mid-season pastures. For our West Australian herds this is typically summer to early autumn.

3.      MaxiFat®: One of the newer additions to the Milne dairy range, MaxiFat® is a high energy, moderate protein pellet with additional fibre inclusion. The extra fibre, and Milne Feeds’ Hyfibe® technology, supports milk fat production, and so this pellet typically suits herds with low-to-moderate milk fat that are grazing rich, new season pastures. It can also be used in times of year when fibre intake is limited, e.g. very wet winters or during hay shortages. It is typically used over the winter and early spring season when pastures are low in NDF and may not provide adequate fibre levels to support rumen stability and milk production.

4.      EasyLac™: A lower energy and lower protein pellet designed for use in early spring, when grass is plentiful and still high quality. With 12MJ ME/kg and 10.5% CP, it is designed to be fed with adequate, high-quality pasture to support rumen stability and milk production. It also contains Milne Hyfibe® and can be used to support milk fat production. The key difference between EasyLac and MaxiFat® comes from the pasture availability and quality on individual farms. If pasture is limited or only just coming on, MaxiFat® is recommended; if pastures are well established and high quality, EasyLac is recommended.

We also offer a range of products for calves and springers that can be purchased in bulk or in bags. Our calf range caters for pre-weaned and weaned calves, and we have two different LeadFeed options for springers.  

Our team are available to support your individual herds so, if you would like any further information on our products, or some guidance on what product is right for you, please get in touch today.

Jonno Langan – Feed Sales Manager: 0407 766 444